NIMS-PCMC Advanced Materials Group
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Dr. Yingpu BI
NIMS Postdoctoral Researcher
Advanced Materials Group
Photo-Catalytic Materials Center
National Institute for Materials Science
1-2-1 Sengen,Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, Japan
TEL: +81-29-851-3354 (ext.6330)
e-mail: BI.Yingpu[at]

Ph.D.Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
B.S.Agricultural University of Hebei, China

Professional Experience
2009.3-present *NIMS Postdoctoral Researcher
2003.9-2008.12 *Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, CAS, China

Research Interests
* Preparing novel nano-materials with controlled size and shape
* Relationships between structure and catalytic performance
* Investigating the novel hydrogen generation reactions
* Photocatalytic property of metal/semiconductor nanomaterials

  1. Iodide Ions Control Galvanic Replacement Growth of Uniform Rhodium Nanotubes at Room Temperature.
    Yingpu Bi, Gongxuan Lu
    Chemical Communications, 2008, 47, 6402
  2. Facile Synthesis of Platinum Nanofiber/Nanotube Junction Structures at Room Temperature.
    Yingpu Bi, Gongxuan Lu
    Chemistry of Materials. 2008, 20, 1224
  3. Control growth of uniform platinum nanotubes and their catalytic properties for methanol electrooxidation.
    Yingpu Bi, Gongxuan Lu
    Electrochemistry Communications. 2009, 11, 45
  4. Controlled synthesis of pentagonal gold nanotubes at room temperature.
    Yingpu Bi, Gongxuan Lu
    Nanotechnology, 2008, 19, 275306
  5. Nano-Cu catalyze hydrogen production from formaldehyde solution at room temperature.
    Yingpu Bi, Gongxuan Lu
    International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2008, 33, 2225
  6. Morphological controlled synthesis and catalytic activities of gold nanocrystals.
    Yingpu Bi, Gongxuan Lu
    Material Letters. 2008, 62, 2696
  7. Morphology-controlled Preparation of Silver Nanocrystals and Their Application in Catalysis.
    Yingpu Bi, Gongxuan Lu
    Chemistry Letters. 2008, 5, 514
  8. Preparation and Catalytic Activity of Two-dimensionally Networked Gold Nanowires.
    Yingpu Bi, Gongxuan Lu
    Chemistry Letters. 2006, 35, 914